I'm collecting here some links, mainly for my convenience.
I share them in case they might be useful to someone else.
GDR Singularités et Applications
Tropical Geometry in Frankfurt (TGiF), a seminar series on tropical geometry which I used to organize together with
Martin Ulirsch, is still taking place online.
Information about the upcoming sessions can be found
Here is a (rather old) list of some interesting seminars taking place in or around Paris:
- Séminaire Géométries et Topologie, Jussieu.
- Séminaire de Géométrie Énumérative, Jussieu.
- Séminaire de Géométrie Algébrique, Jussieu.
- Séminaire sur les Singularités, Paris 7.
- RéGA, IHP.
- Géométrie et Théorie des Modèles, ENS.
- Séminaire de Géométrie, École Polytechnique.
- Séminaire d'Algèbre et Arithmétique
, École polytechnique.
- Séminaire Variétés Rationnelles, Sorbonne Université et École polytechnique.
- SAGA, Orsay.
- Seminars, lecture series and conferences at IHES.
- Séminaire Bourbaki, IHP.
Upcoming events
And here are some upcoming events that caught my eye.
I will most likely attend only a few of them:
Calendar of events at CIRM, Luminy:
Lists of conferences:
Some past events I attended are archived
There has never been a better time to watch some recorded math talks.
Lots of videos of seminars can be found on the following pages.
These should keep us busy for a while, but if you now of any other good sources please let me know and I'll add them to the list.
- Arizona Winter Schools, Tucson (videos of courses in Arithmetic Geometry going back to 2008).
- BIRS, Banff (includes videos from CMO, Oaxaca).
- CIRM, Luminy.
- Clay Mathematics Institute.
- Collège de France, Paris.
- Fields institute, Toronto.
- IAS, Princeton (direct YouTube link here).
- ICM videos: Berlin 1998, Beijing 2002, Madrid 2006, and Hyderabad 2010 are here, Seoul 2014 here (direct YouTube link here, prize lectures here), Rio de Janeiro 2018 here (direct YouTube link here)
- IHES, Bures-Sur-Yvette.
- IHP, Paris (includes the Séminaire Bourbaki).
- MSRI, Berkeley.
- Simons Center, Stony Brook.
And one site to rule them all:
Here I uploaded a couple old papers that I had some trouble finding or I had to scan myself.
Hopefully search engines will index them and this will save other people some time.
I strongly believe in Federico Ardila's axioms:
- Mathematical potential is distributed equally among different groups, irrespective of geographic, demographic, and economic boundaries.
- Everyone can have joyful, meaningful, and empowering mathematical experiences.
- Mathematics is a powerful, malleable tool that can be shaped and used differently by various communities to serve their needs.
- Every student deserves to be treated with dignity and respect.